Meta Architecture Design Studio
송성욱(宋晟旭)은 울산대학교 건축학부를 졸업하고 2004년 도미하여 미시간대학 건축대학원을 졸업하였다. 이후 미국 SOM에서 경력을 쌓은 뒤 LEED AP와 미국건축사 자격을 취득했다. 2010년 귀국하여 (주)건축사사무소 한울건축에서 프로젝트를 수행하였으며, 현재 국립 순천대학교 건축학부 교수로 재직 중이다. 대표작으로 1801K Project, Denver Union Station, 서울대학교 체육문화교육연구동, 넥슨 강남사옥 등이 있으며 여주박물관 건축가로 2017 경기도 건축문화상 대상을 수상하였다.
Sung Wook Song was born in Ulsan, Republic of Korea in 1976. He studied at school of architecture in Ulsan University and graduated from University of Michigan in U.S with Master of Architecture degree. From 2006 to 2009, he has worked on various architectural projects from interiors to urban scale developments at Skidmore Owings & Merrill at Washington D.C. After returning back to Korea in 2010, he worked at Hanul Architects & Engineering as a chief architect. His projects achieve several awards in design competition such as Department of Physical Education building in Seoul National University, Nexon Headquarters, and Yeo Ju Museum(received Gyeonggi Architecture Culture Festival Grand-Prix). Currently, he is a professor at school of architecture in Sunchon National University, and registered architect in U.S., LEED AP BD+C.